Scottish Rowing is dedicated to supporting clubs to develop new and innovative ways of attracting new participants to our sport. In the past Olympic year, we launched Project Rio, with the aim of helping clubs and their coaches prepare for a renewed interest from the public following the Olympic games. Throughout 2016 we worked closely with a wide range of media outlets to improve perceptions of the sport both locally and nationally, capitalising on the increased awareness an Olympics brings to the sport of rowing. As clubs will be aware, we had planned to cap off this project with a participation level, skills focussed regatta aimed at giving those that had recently come into the sport an opportunity to experience racing in a fun, pressure free environment. Unfortunately, due to forecasted high winds on the planned date, the event had to be cancelled, with no further suitable dates available in 2016.

Scottish Rowing is still committed to providing fun, innovative events in the wake of Project Rio, so with this in mind we are pleased to offer affiliated clubs, or associations of clubs, the opportunity to expand an existing event and/or enable them to organise new and exciting events in the coming year.

We hope that Rio’s legacy should be one of inclusivity across all regions, grants will be awarded to those that propose to create event ideas that are fun, innovative, focus on inclusivity and participation, engaging with those new to the sport and the wider community and are out with the normal format of club racing in Scotland.

Grant amount: Max £1000

Application deadline:    Closing date for applications is Monday 3rd April at 5pm. It must be noted that there is a total £3000 pot of funding for this project which will be allocated on a merit basis. The funding panel may award grant funding to three larger projects, or a series of smaller projects.

Eligible clubs:    All Scottish Rowing affiliated clubs will be eligible to apply.

What will we fund?

The Project Rio Legacy Fund will be given to individual clubs, regatta organising committees made up of multiple clubs and associations that are looking to develop new and exciting formats for events that meet the needs of the growing rowing community. Although we would like to encourage clubs to create new, standalone events, we will accept applications that look to add new events to existing formats.  Fund money can also be used for:

  • Venue hire
  • Side Attractions (Food, beverage, music, etc)
  • Purchase or hire of equipment essential to the running of the event
  • Marketing materials
  • Event Insurance

The Application

To apply for the Project Rio Legacy Fund, a club or group of clubs will need to provide Scottish Rowing with just two things:

  • An event poster that clearly captures the vision for the event(s), who will be running the event(s), who the event(s) will be targeting, when the event(s) will be, what partners (if any) will be supporting the event, what outcomes there are for the event(s) and how the event(s) will be sustainable.
  • A full budget breakdown of where the awarded funds will be used.

The Process

The application process for the Project Rio Legacy Fund will be as follows:

  • Applications, in the form of an information poster, should be submitted by 5pm on Monday 3rd April 2017
  • The Funding panel will create a shortlist
  • The Panel will meet to discuss shortlisted applications
  • Offers will be made to successful applicants
  • Successful applicants must sign and return T&Cs
  • Award will be transferred to clubs via cheque

The funding panel will comprise of the three Scottish Rowing regional development managers, the coaching and development manager and a member of the Scottish Rowing board of directors. Decisions made by the panel will be final and there will be no appeals process.

Project Rio Legacy Fund Outcomes

The aim of opening up this fund is to encourage individuals and groups that have new and innovative ideas on how to broaden the range of events on offer to the growing diverse rowing community in Scotland. To introduce those new to the sport to a positive environment, without pressure of direct competition, and to encourage a focus on skills development, rather than racing a set distance. Fund money will be awarded to those that meet the following outcomes:

  • A participation event designed to engage a wide range of groups within and out with the existing rowing community.
  • An event model that could be replicated, developed and enhanced.
  • A non-traditional event format that focusses on enjoyment and skills development.
  • An event that engages with the surrounding community and focusses on inclusion.

Terms and Conditions

  • Applicant clubs, groups or associations must be affiliated to Scottish Rowing
  • Regional RDM’s will be involved in the organisation process, providing oversight to ensure funds spent in accordance with the outcomes of the event and to provide support where necessary.
  • Successful applicants will be required to submit feedback on the success of the event and will be required to collect and report participation data and report this to Scottish Rowing.
  • Funded events must be completed within 12 months of the approved project start date.
  • Clubs must contribute their own resources to the project. This contribution can be in cash or in kind, and must be detailed in the application form.
  • Scottish Rowing can choose to fund an event for less than the sum requested.
  • Payments to successful applicants will be made by cheque to the club.