Articles of Association
Articles of Association
Strategic Documents
Scottish Rowing Strategic Plan 2022-25
Scottish Rowing Facilities Strategy
Annual Reviews
Annual Review 2024
Annual Review 2023
Annual Review 2022
Annual Review 2020-21
Annual Review 2019-20
Annual Review 2018-19
Annual Review 2017-18 (pdf)
Annual Review 2016-17
Annual Review 2015-16
Annual Review 2014-15
Policy Documents
Operating Practices
Disciplinary Procedure
Complaints Procedure
Equality Policy
Transgender Policy - Following a detailed information sharing and discussion session of the full Board a sub-group have been charged with developing a draft Transgender and non-binary policy for Scottish Rowing and this will be circulated for consultation later in the year.
Data Protection Policy
      Membership Privacy Statement
      Data Protection - Subject Access Request Procedure
      CCTV Privacy Statement
Anti Bribery Policy
Anti Fraud Policy
Risk Management Policy
Anti Corruption (Sports Betting) Policy
Clean Sport Policy
Rowing Centre Terms & Conditions