Posted: 21 January, 2019

The Scottish Rowing Championships are changing, and we wanted to take the opportunity to explain some of the changes and how we believe these will help to make the event even better.
Our vision for the Scottish Rowing Championships is an aspirational Championship level regatta for Juniors, Seniors, Masters and Para athletes and an opportunity to recognise the Scottish Champions across all relevant boat classes.
Starting in 2019, we’ve made some changes to the format and schedule of the Championships with the aim of creating more competitive multi-lane racing in all categories and a better athlete and spectator experience that showcases the best of Scottish Rowing, on and off the water.
These changes are detailed in the additional document but in summary:
• Racing to be offered in both Championship and Non-Championship categories where Championship racing is the top-tier of competitive racing offered in Scotland and which will recognise the Scottish Champions in each boat class.  Non-Championship events recognise the need for the Scottish Rowing Championships to both inspire and engage with the wider rowing community through the delivery of fun and friendly competition.
• In Championship categories, 2000m racing in all boat classes will be combined across Junior 16, Junior 18 and Senior age groups and Scottish Championship titles awarded to the highest placed crew in each age group.
• More of the Championship programme for single sculls and coxless pairs will be completed on the Friday, to create additional opportunities for athletes in these events to compete in bigger boats across the weekend.  The regatta will now extend to three full days.
• In order to introduce more competition into a limited field, the Masters and Para Championship events will be opened up to crews from outside Scotland (i.e. the normal Scottish Rowing Championships birth and residency requirements will not apply) with the Scottish Champions in each boat class awarded to the highest placed eligible crew.
• Non-Championship racing will be offered over 2000m across a range of boat classes for those athletes towards the earlier stages of their rowing careers and those who are not seeking out Championship level competition.  Non-Championship racing will include a beginner category, with titles awarded to the highest place student and club beginner crews in each event.
• Athletes in J14 and J15 age categories will compete in age restricted events over 1000m.  Athletes competing in a single scull will also compete in a skills-based competition in addition to side-by-side racing.
• Time trials will be introduced for all events* where there are more than 8 entries to create more competitive side-by-side racing.
• The introduction of a Victor Ludorum across the Championships with separate leaderboards for open and student clubs will encourage participation, recognise club development and support team-based competition.
* with the exception of J14 / J15 events

Fiona Rennie, Chair of the Scottish Rowing Competition Strategy Group, said:
“We’d like to thank all of our members who completed last year’s national competition survey.  Your views have helped to shape the vision and direction for the Scottish Rowing Championships in this exciting new era for the sport.
“The changes being proposed recognise the importance of a quality competition programme in supporting the continued development of rowers at all ages and stages of the pathway across Scotland.
“We look forward to the new format creating more competitive opportunities for all athletes, increased participation and an enjoyable and memorable regatta experience.
“If you have any feedback on the changes proposed please feel free to speak to a member of the Competition Strategy Group or you can email .”

The Competition Strategy Group is a sub-committee of the Scottish Rowing Board with responsibility for the strategic direction of rowing competition in Scotland.  It currently comprises the following members:
Fiona Rennie (Chair)
Lee Boucher (Head of Performance Pathway, Scottish Rowing)
Adam Hardy (Competitions and Events Manager, Scottish Rowing)
Amanda Cobb (Chief Operating Officer, Scottish Rowing)
Elizabeth Williamson (Deputy Chair, Scottish Rowing Domestic Regatta Organising Committee)
Neil MacFarlane (Chair, Scottish Rowing Racing Control Committee)
Colin Williamson (Head of Rowing, University of Edinburgh)